Stredni odborna skola EDUCAnet Brno, o.p.s.
EducaNET is a private school has 6 schools in different part of Czech Republic. İts center is in Prague. We have IT department in High School. We have also pre primary, primary and secondary classrooms. We have 632 students for all levels. Our students are between 5-18 years old. We have 50 teashing staff with 4 management personnel. According to the Managerial Plan of the institution for 2019-2020, the following specific objectives have been established: The increase of equal chances to education of all pre-school, secondary and high school students through the participation in projects and programmes at local/regional/national and international level; Counselling schools regarding the implementation of educational programmes based on partnerships so that all graduates might have access the labour market; Ensuring the participation of both teachers and students to European financed projects, with a view to gaining key-competences necessary for personal development, active citizenship, social inclusion and entrance on the labour market. These objectives are in strong correlation with the topic envisaged by this strategic partnership, namely increasing quality of education at different types of schools in partners' regions. The team working in our institution assumes the following transversal strategic objectives: a greater involvement of all the partners in the system of education and training; a greater visibility of the results of European collaboration in education and training; the need to support the European and national instruments from the domain of transparency, recognition, quality assurance and mobility. Our teaching concept has 4 different topics; (a) Language Teaching ; We have grammar classes,in these classes we have differen tcurriculum. Our teaching staff are selected according to some pre examinations and interwiew sessions. (b) counselling service; we have 4 experts in this departmnent. Each expert has different task such as, councelling, therapy, vocational guidence, discipline issues. (c) IT departments (d) Distance Learning . There are 8 different labs in our school including IT, Language, Robotic, Distance Learning, Chemistry and Math. Our school also is organising structural courses for teachers and students . These are; 1. Counselling and Coaching 2. Czech Education System 3. Early School Leaving 4.STEM 5. Inclusive Education 6. Effective Comminication 7. Montessori 8. Peer bullying 9. Time Management 10. Robotic and Logo